Memoir flashing, or so it seems.

A full glass lifted to Ron Mitchell and the rest of the staff at Southern Indiana Review for fitting two chunks of flash memoir into their Spring 2010 issue. “Houhai Lake in Winter” and “The Overnight Train from Xian Pulls Into Beijing” have superb company - Liam Rector and James Valvis, Randall Brown and Joe Meno, Laura Madeline Wiseman and Adam Johnson, bright lights all.

April 28, 2010, 7:35 p.m.Categories: China, Litmags, Nonfiction, Travel

And two more.

Poems, yes, in the many-platformed Vitruvius, with, among others written by, among others, a favorite poet of mine, Jules Gibbs.

April 16, 2010, 12:29 p.m.Categories: Litmags, Poetry

Mudluscious 11 > Mudville 9

Many thanks to mudluscious' J.A. Tyler for giving the internets a new taste of Pacazo, my novel to come, and for stacking the crowd around it: Michael Kimball, Amelia Gray, Aaron Burch, Lily Hoang, Robert Lopez, Dawn Raffel, Peter Markus and many more.

April 2, 2010, 10 a.m.Categories: Litmags, Novels