And so it's for real: I just got an email from Steven King.
He signs 'Steve.'
That pleases me no end.
And once again, monster credit where due: "Wait" first appeared in The Kenyon Review back in Fall of 2006. David Lynn and Meg Galipault did great work on it, and I am ever so much obliged.
February 21, 2007, 11:28 a.m.Category: Short Stories
So you know how you wait years for something, and it never happens, so you quit waiting, quit hoping, because waiting and hoping is stupid when there's so much work to do? So you just do the work? And then years later the thing happens?
I just found out that Steven King has picked a story of mine for this year's BASS.
The story's called "Wait."
February 20, 2007, 11:11 a.m.Category: Short Stories